Friday, October 17, 2008

So we were watching the BYU game on one channel and the Sox game on another, flipping back and forth between the two and thoroughly disgusted with both of them. About 11 pm I had had enough. It was the 7th inning and the Red Sox were down 7-0 so I went to bed. 5:30 does come early you know. This morning I'm walking on the treadmill and watching the news and what the heck! The Red Sox won! We had a chance to get tickets for the game but Garrett had Open House at his school and Dave was coming back from New Jersey. Even if we had gone we would have been part of the crowd leaving early. Wow!



Erica said...

Spencer and I were watching that game together after the BYU game. So it was a bad night all around for Spencer, but not so much for me.

Paula said...

I'm sorry, I was cheering for the Rays. The Sox have become the new Yankees.

Anonymous said...

Oh No! That's the worst things you can say to a Red Sox fan!