Sunday, November 2, 2008

Revenge is sweet!

Okay, so we all know that we will be embarrassed by or upset with our kids at some point. It's to be expected. After all, we did it to our parents, didn't we? And kids are good at it! They know just how to get you. The fashion-conscious mother is bound to get a child who insists on wearing snow boots and a sleep mask to the grocery store in July (actually, I'm not fashion-conscious particularly but I did take Emma to the store like this) or gets vomited on by her 1 year-old at her kids soccer game. The shy parent will have a child who sings "If You're Happy and You Know It" at the top of her lungs while bouncing all through Walmart. The sensitive parent gets called an idiot by her 3-year-old (a couple of weeks ago) and gets kicked out of Denny's because her child is having a major tantrum. Yes, all of these have happened to me and I'm okay. I've even become inured to it somewhat. Because I know what happens when they become teenagers. Yes, I got back at them somewhat by eating their halloween candy but that
isn't the best part.
They become embarrassed by everything you do, even the fact that you exist. (Oh, Mom!) It's so easy. Even the mere threat that you might show up to chaperone a dance or (horrors!) get on facebook is enough to send them into a tizzy. So...if your children are young and driving you crazy just hang in there, eat a few fun-sized candy bars, and remember, your time will come!


Erica said...

Who sang "If You're Happy..." in Wal-mart?

Anonymous said...

That was you Erica!

Andrea Wyss said...

was i any of those things?

Anonymous said...

No, Andrea, you were the angel child who could do no wrong:)

Andrea Wyss said...

of course i was! haha

Anonymous said...

yeah right you were...

Lori Bottomley said...

Hahaha! I may have to blog about some of the embarrassing moments my children have given me! You are inspirational! That really would be sweet revenge...and I did take my fair share of candy this year too! =)

Paula said...

The best revenge is when those children have children. Sweet! Just hope that you do not babysit them.