Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Aaaaahh, To Sleep!

I have always been tired. It's seems like I have been tired for my entire life. I remember going to the Mesa summer musical in the Westwood auditorium and falling asleep. In high school, if anyone ever showed a film in class, I was out. This was loonngg before I had children. High school, college, always sleepy during the day and I could sleep like a log all night and it didn't seem to make a difference.
All those years of being a mother with young babies, pregnancies, illnesses, etc. I walked around like a zombie, just dying for a nap, eating too many carbs because I was sleepy. I woke up with the kids when I needed to, even became a light sleeper, but ooohhh sooo tired! Even went to the doctor who, of course, said, "You are a mother of young children, of course you are tired." Thanks, doc.
And poor Dave. No pillow talk. Either I zonked out watching tv or as soon as my head hit the pillow. Somewhere in the early years though, I started having a different problem. I would be sleepy all day long and then when it came time to sleep, I couldn't turn my head off. Pillow talk was put off for another reason. I would have to go through my routine and then go straight to bed. Any deviation, just the slightest, and I could count on being awake for 2 hours before finally turning off the talk in my head and falling asleep. His snoring didn't help much either.
On occasion, I would fall asleep just fine and then wake up in the middle of the night, sometimes with an intense dream, other times to Dave's snoring, and still others, I have no idea why I would wake.
The worst was after I broke my ankle. You would think that taking 2 percocet at a time would mean I slept rreeeallly well. Nope. Nights were awful. I couldn't shift around and get comfortable. I couldn't have anything covering my foot. I slept on top of the covers with a blanket over me so I could stick my foot out but I had to be on my back with my foot propped up on a pillow. And of course I hurt big time. Those were some long nights...
Now I fall asleep just fine most nights. In fact I fall asleep watching tv all the time and have to crochet in order to stay awake long enough to see the end of any show. I just can't stay asleep. This morning I woke up at 4 am. Sometimes I'll wake up but stay sleepy enough that I can fall back asleep but not this morning. For some reason, I was anxious about Alyssa brushing her teeth well with her palate expander and it woke me up enough that I knew I wasn't going to get any more sleep before the alarm went off at 5:30. Bummer! Not a good way to start the day. Dave suggested that maybe I could take a nap. Ha! Emma no longer naps which means neither do I. I tried putting a in movie in my bedroom so we could both relax but she kicked the bed the whole time. Sigh...
I've been meaning to go to the sleep lab for a couple of years now. Just haven't gotten around to it-too tired I guess! But I'm going to do it! I'm signing up for it and should get it done in a couple of weeks. Not too sure what to expect but it's a start. I just know that something's gotta give.


Jenna said...

I'm afraid I semi-inherited your genes. I'm always tired! All movies take 2-3 days to watch because I always fall asleep. I slept through half my college classes. I'm always tired! No wonder I don't want to do anything.

Erica said...

I have that tendency to fall asleep in movies as well, but since I've started going to bed before midnight, I didn't have a problem with sleeping during classes. Somehow 7-8 hours of sleep makes me not tired during the day. And now that I go to sleep around 10-10:30, life is great. Except for having to wake up at 6:20.

MadMama said...

Maybe it is a genetic thing or something. I am always poking John at church or in the temple to wake him up, he can be out cold in 2 seconds. They did check him for sleep apnea like 5 or 6 years back but he didn't have it.