Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Alyssa's Baptism

Alyssa was baptized on Sunday, February 15th. She had a beautiful baptism, very sweet and spiritual! She didn't seem nervous at all, just happy and excited about it.
Jenna had flown in on Friday for it and we are so happy that she came! She helped pick out Alyssa's new dress, and she also got to go scout out an apartment for when she and Chris move here in August. It was very nice of her to come especially since she missed having Valentine's Day with Chris:(
Alyssa was baptized in the same outfit that all the girls except Jenna have worn. She did not swim in the font as she said she wanted to:) Diana gave the baptismal talk and did a wonderful job. Brother Silvia, our home teacher, gave the talk on the Holy Ghost and he also did a wonderful job. Jenna played her flute and I accompanied her on the piano and afterward we had a very nice potluck dinner with everyone who came. We had a pretty good crowd and lots of yummy food (we have some very good cooks in the branch).
All in all, it was a very special day and we are very happy for our sweet girl!

1 comment:

MadMama said...

Congratulations Alyssa! What a wonderful day! I love her beautiful dress too.