I wonder if anyone has noticed just how magnanimous George Bush has been? You don't have to agree with his politics or anything. I'm just talking aboout his behavior. I mean really, this is a guy who has been vilified in the press for 8 years, his approval ratings are in the toilet, he is constantly made fun of over stupid little things, and his own party treated him as a pariah during the election. You would think he would be giving everyone the finger, and then going off to Texas to sulk. Yet he doesn't. He has been gracious to the Obama's and has instructed his staff to do everything they can to make the transition go smoothly. I wonder if how things were for him 8 years ago has affected his decision to turn the other cheek. I remember how awful the Clintonites were to the incoming Bush staffers. They were mean and vindictive. Bush could have sat back and let things go how they may. Instead he has shown class and kindness. He is the kind of person I would like to have over for dinner. For that matter, I would like to have the Obamas over as well. I think that Obama behaves in a dignified manner and I would be comfortable having him in our home. I couldn't say the same about Bill Clinton.
I have been inspired by George. How many times when someone hurts our feelings or things don't go our way do we feel the need to let others know it? What good does it do? Sure we could gripe and complain about the way we are treated but why? Instead we can take the high road and do our best to treat others in a Christlike manner. If we have been wronged it'll come out in the long run and if it doesn't, at least we have behaved in way that can be respected. Thanks, George Bush. I, for one, appreciate your example.
Thanks for posting this. I totally agree with you.
Hi, Kimi! Dave sent Andy a link to your blog. Wow, the kids grow up so fast. We have a blog too. It is mississippi8@blogspot.com.
Very well said and completely true!
Thanks for your insight. How are you all doing? I was excited to get your blog address from Keri.
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