Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

I cheated a bit with Mother's Day this year. Not only did I get breakfast in bed but lunch and dinner too!
Nothing like having ankle surgery to guarantee personal service on Mother's Day. Although even without the surgery my family does a great job making me feel special!
Some of the things that made me feel good yesterday:
Emma let me keep her blankies with me for a couple of hours.
Alyssa wrote a very sweet acrostic poem for me.
Garrett wrote a poem and sang the song that I didn't get to hear the primary sing in church.
Andrea and Diana brought me things and helped make dinner.
I got to have nice talks with both Jenna and Erica.
Dave gave me chocolate, and brought me food, and took care of kids.

I am truly blessed with a wonderful family!

1 comment:

JoEllen said...

Yea!! I am glad that you had a good mother's day. It sounds like you are doing well after the surgery, too.