Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Woman of Leisure

Okay, I am now 6 days post surgery and am doing quite well. The surgery was not bad. They gave me an epidural in my leg which made it nice and numb and then gave me a sedative which made my mind nice and numb so I don't remember a thing about it. It was nice not to have general anesthesia although the sedative did make me feel nauseated. I only spent one night in the hospital (yeah!) and the nurses were good, and no roommate this time!
Getting home was not fun because I got sick in the car. The only thing I had was a paper bag and well, that didn't work very well. We live about 45 miles from the hospital so it was, um, a bit uncomfortable. Once we got home and got cleaned up and I managed to get up the stairs ( a feat in itself-bumping up on my behind and once I got to the top standing up was interesting) then everything has been fine.
I feel pretty good. Not much pain. I do take percocet but won't need it much longer. I don't have a standard cast yet. It's just a metal support for the back of my leg and foot which is heavily padded and wrapped with a bandage. It's very heavy and thick and I think I could knock someone out with it if I wanted. I can't put any weight on it and have to use a walker. I am supposed to be in bed with it elevated most of the time except for the 5 minutes every hour I am supposed to get up and walk around, except of course at night. That means that I have spent pretty much 138 hours out of the last 144 in bed. Probably even more than that because sometimes I forget to get up and move around. Yeah. Thank goodness Andrea lets me use her laptop.
Andrea is our nanny and supervisor and laundress and cook and shopper and chauffeur. She's tired. She is doing quite well but I don't think she's going to want to get married for awhile. Our branch is wonderful and is helping out with meals. (They are soooo good to us!) I think though, that it is probably good that I can't see how clean it is downstairs. It's just best that I don't think about it too much. We had an incident this morning where Garrett forgot about the waffles in the toaster and set off the smoke alarms. That was exciting. Emma was mad because they were her waffles but she forgave him. Mostly I just hear thuds and thumps and sometimes crying or yelling but that's all just normal in our house. Or maybe that percocet is just doing it's job because I feel pretty relaxed about it all :) and am enjoying the time to read and rest. We'll see how long that lasts...


Erica said...

Enjoy the percocet while it lasts

JoEllen said...

I am glad that you are doing so well. Hopefully, you will still be relaxed about things even after the Percocet is gone! It is not a bad thing for Andrea to want to wait to get married.

Enjoy the time to read.