Friday, December 19, 2008

Winter Weather Wonderland


THIS IS THE START OF THE STORM We have a big snowstorm coming today. We have known about it for days and have watched it cross the country. There is no question that we will have snow, lots of snow, maybe even a foot or more. They, the weather people, can even tell us pretty much when it will start and end, which is amazing when you think that a century or so ago, they would have no clue that it was coming and people went about their business just not knowing what was about to hit them. It was cold this morning but not too bad and, all in all, a decent day for December in New England. If you had no contact with humanity you just wouldn't be aware how the day would turn so quickly.
It made me think of watching hurricanes coming towards us when we lived in Alabama. We would watch the Weather Channel for days, seeing it coming, getting prepared with food, batteries, making sure the laundry is done just in case we lost power. We were too far inland to have to worry about boarding up windows or anything like that but we did put away lawn furniture and outside toys and then would just wait for it to come. It feels alot like that now except that it's a whole lot colder. The grocery store was crowded, everyone cramming in last minute errands so they could stay home this afternoon. We are really lucky to have that technology so we can be prepared.
Too bad we can't have radar for other things, other problems that affect us so strongly. But I guess we do sometimes. When Dave lost his job a few years ago, it seemingly came out of the blue with very little warning yet I was not surprised. I had been feeling for months that a big change was going to happen in our lives. I knew that we would be moving. I even almost told people that we were moving when there was no reason for me to think that we would be, it was that strong of a feeling. We have the blessing of a spiritual "radar" that can help prepare us for life's storms. Aren't we lucky!
It is now over 24 hours since the storm started and it is still snowing!

Moms aren't allowed to be sick

I really don't feel well today. I have a sore throat and my head hurts and I'm all congested. I really needed to take a day off and just stay home in bed but Christmas is next week and so is Erica's wedding and we have a major storm coming in, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. I had to go out. I had no choice. So I got Emma to school, went to the mall, the library, the post office, the grocery store, to Garrett's school to pick him up and to Emma's school to pick her up. I'm all done and home and hunkered down with the snow starting to pile up. I should be resting but I can't seem to relax. I mean there is laundry to do and the kitchen is dirty and phone calls to make, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera (I am thinking of the "King and I" as I type those). Someone needs to force me to take it easy but Dave is still at work (he has let all the employees go but he is still there-I think he's going to have to spend the night there if he doesn't get home fast:) and the kids, well you know kids, as soon as I lay down they will be knocking at my door, sure as shootin'. Moms just aren't allowed to be sick!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Bah, Humbug!

For some reason (could it be a wedding?) I am having a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit. Oh, I'm doing my shopping alright, done and wrapped even, but I haven't been interested in listening to Christmas music, decorating (as the pictures show, that stuff has been out for several days), writing the Christmas letter, baking, and even watching Scrooge and It's a Wonderful Life isn't helping much. I think that this year just went by too fast, too jam-packed with things and events. It feels like it should maybe be September, definitely not December yet. I want to enjoy the nice fall days a little longer, have Halloween again, with a little less chaos, have a more relaxed Thanksgiving where I could really enjoy it and not just run around trying to get things done. I don't know why it is but life just is whizzing by full of have-to's instead of want-to's. I've been trying to ignore the housework and just enjoy the fun stuff but somehow that isn't helping much:) Maybe by Valentine's Day I will be ready for Christmas. That just may be when y'all get your Christmas cards from us!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!

I had this song going through my head all Sunday morning. We woke up to rain mixed with snow which later turned to all snow. I love it when it falls gently with big flakes. I desperately wanted to skip church and just stay home, not just because I didn't want to drive in it, but because I love to sit by the fire with a good book and be able to look out the window at the falling snow. The kids, of course, just wanted to play in it. I could hardly get Emma dressed in her church clothes because she just wanted to put her snow pants on and go play! Alyssa especially loves the snow and will spend hours outside in it. When we got home from church it had pretty much stopped snowing so they all changed into their snowgear (a major project) and went outside. Alyssa went out and shoveled the driveway for us, although not all of it. Dave got to use his new snowblower. It was very cold the next day and the pond was starting to freeze over. (We have what is officially called a Great Pond near us which is really a lake. I'll get pictures of it sometime.) Today it is all gone and it is 60 degrees. That's my kind of snow-only an inch or two, just enough to play in, and it's all gone in a couple of days.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Marching Band

Diana has been playing in the band this year and since she plays the oboe, she had to pick another instrument to play in the marching band. She chose to play the bass drum, mostly because it is easy. She had some concerns about marching and playing at the same time but has done well with it. She did find out that playing the drum in a parade is exhausting because they play the entire time without a break!
The picture is before the Middleboro Christmas parade and the video is from the Thanksgiving day football game. Diana is the second in line of the bass drums. (Analisa is the first in line, for those of you who know her.)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

We love Wii!

Garrett, Alyssa, and Dave show off some of their high scores in bowling.

Emma loves to play the drums.

Diana and Garrett playing guitar and bass.

Playing Wii has become a favorite family pastime. And why not? Bowling, tennis, golf, rock band...of course we enjoy it! Even the younger kids have gotten quite good at it. Emma and Alyssa have beaten me at bowling, embarrassing but true. Guess I need to practice a bit more:)

Monday, December 1, 2008


Post-feasting fun in the basement
Phase Ten-with no fighting this time (the Cook girls were there-they are too nice to fight)

Dave and Craig handled the cleanup. Muchas Gracias!

We kept up our traditional hosting of the Thanksgiving dinner at our house again this year. We have done this for many years now. We gather up friends who, like us, don't have family close by and have a big dinner and talk, play games, etc. with them. We have really enjoyed doing this and this year was no exception with the Metro, Cook, Culotta families and the missionaries all coming for dinner! I didn't get all the pictures I wanted to-too busy cooking! but here are a few. And yes, we had all our traditional dishes. Gotta love the sweet potato casserole!

Spencer and Erica

Playing wii bowling. Alyssa and Emma were winning until right at the end.

Erica helped make cupcakes for Thanksgiving.

Spencer and Erica came to visit us last week. Well, they also came to get their marriage license but we know that the most important thing was visiting us. It was a short visit, just a day and a half, but a lot of fun. They played all day with the kids, took them to the playground, played wii with them and after they were in bed, Spencer beat us in rummikub. It was a really nice visit! they left early Thanksgiving morning to go to Spencer's house for Thanksgiving dinner.