We have a big snowstorm coming today. We have known about it for days and have watched it cross the country. There is no question that we will have snow, lots of snow, maybe even a foot or more. They, the weather people, can even tell us pretty much when it will start and end, which is amazing when you think that a century or so ago, they would have no clue that it was coming and people went about their business just not knowing what was about to hit them. It was cold this morning but not too bad and, all in all, a decent day for December in New England. If you had no contact with humanity you just wouldn't be aware how the day would turn so quickly.
It made me think of watching hurricanes coming towards us when we lived in Alabama. We would watch the Weather Channel for days, seeing it coming, getting prepared with food, batteries, making sure the laundry is done just in case we lost power. We were too far inland to have to worry about boarding up windows or anything like that but we did put away lawn furniture and outside toys and then would just wait for it to come. It feels alot like that now except that it's a whole lot colder. The grocery store was crowded, everyone cramming in last minute errands so they could stay home this afternoon. We are really lucky to have that technology so we can be prepared.
Too bad we can't have radar for other things, other problems that affect us so strongly. But I guess we do sometimes. When Dave lost his job a few years ago, it seemingly came out of the blue with very little warning yet I was not surprised. I had been feeling for months that a big change was going to happen in our lives. I knew that we would be moving. I even almost told people that we were moving when there was no reason for me to think that we would be, it was that strong of a feeling. We have the blessing of a spiritual "radar" that can help prepare us for life's storms. Aren't we lucky!
It is now over 24 hours since the storm started and it is still snowing!
I know what you mean about the "big change" feeling. Tamiel and I felt it about a year and a half ago. We felt it would not be only bad or good, but would be big. It was...
Take care up there. I hope you don't lose power. That's never good, but especially when it is cold.
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